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Specific enquiries

For enquiries about specific areas of our work, please use the following enquiry forms:

QAA Membership

All aspects of QAA UK Membership, including International Insights and access to Membership Resources. Also, the Quality Code, including Subject Benchmark Statements.


QAA International Membership

All aspects of QAA International Membership, including access to Membership Resources.

Reviews in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland

Review programmes conducted by QAA of higher education institutions and higher-level programmes in Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland, such as Enhancement-led Institutional Review (ELIR), Quality Enhancement Review (QER) or Gateway Quality Review (GQRW).

Degree Awarding Powers Assessment

The assessment of providers applying for degree awarding powers (DAPs) that QAA undertakes on behalf of the Privy Council in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Educational Oversight

All aspects of reviews for educational oversight. Also, the QAA Concern Scheme for Alternative Providers.

Work with European Agencies and bodies

QAA's relationship to, and work with, European agencies such as ENQA and EQAR and fellow quality agencies working across the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).

International Accreditation, Training and Services

QAA’s international activities include accreditation, partnerships, Transnational Education (TNE), training and capacity building, and our links to international quality assurance agencies.

Assessment Services

Find out more about our range of new services, offering providers in England valuable guidance and support relating to the quality and standards of higher education.


How to register and log into an event. If you are enquiring about an event that is due to happen today, then please call + 00 44 (0)1452 557100.

Website and Publications

Website related questions, copyright and reproduction of QAA publications.


For questions or queries about sending or receiving payments and invoices.


If you wish to make a complaint about a UK higher education provider or QAA please read our page on complaints first to help you to identify the right organisation/person to speak to.

Access to HE

If you have a question about the Access to HE Diploma, or to search for an Access to HE course, visit our Access to Higher Education website or click the button below for more information.

General enquiries

If you have a general enquiry, please complete our enquiry form or call +00 44 (0)1452 557000.

For our Welsh Language helpline, please call 01452 557135.

We are committed to responding to your enquiry within three working days.

Ymholiadau yn y Gymraeg


Os byddai'n well gennych gysylltu â ni yn y Gymraeg, mae ein ffurflen ymholi ar gael i chi yn y Gymraeg.



Media enquiries should be directed to our Press and PR Team.

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Southgate Street

+44 (0)1452 557000