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On behalf of HEFCW, we undertake Gateway Quality Reviews of higher education providers to test their HE provision against the baseline quality regulatory requirements in Wales. We also re-test the quality aspects of the baseline regulatory requirements at the end of a four-year period, when engaged by the provider to do so.

The overall aim of Gateway Quality Review is to provide HEFCW with an expert judgement about the quality assurance of a provider's HE provision.

The Gateway Quality Review is designed to:

  • ensure that the student interest is protected
  • provide expert advice to ensure that the reputation of the UK higher education system is protected, including the protection of academic standards
  • identify areas for development and/or specified improvements that will help a provider to meet the baseline regulatory requirements.

More information on how HEFCW will use the outcomes of GQRW can be found on HEFCW's website.


Handbook and Guidance

Gateway Quality Review Wales Handbook

Publication date: 20 Nov 2020

If you decide to undergo GQRW, please email HEFCW at You will also need to inform QAA of your decision to commission a GQRW. Please email QAA at


Gateway Quality Review: Wales - Commission Form

Publication date: 20 Aug 2024

Reviews in Wales Knowledge Base

This knowledge base has been developed from the outcomes of the Quality Enhancement Review and Gateway Quality Review Wales from 2017 – present. The knowledge base includes information about the review methods including judgement areas, categorisation of commendations, recommendations, affirmations, areas for development and specified improvements and in-cycle changes. Users can filter the outcomes by themes of the UK Quality Code as well as additional categories. 

Reviews in Wales Knowledge Base

Publication date: 11 Jun 2024