QAA International Partners' Forum Report - May 2020
Publication date: 28 May 2020
As part of our work to support the higher education sector with its response to COVID-19 pandemic, we are compiling a range of publications looking in detail at transnational education (TNE) and international practice for providers to consider and which are relevant to the medium and longer term.
Publication date: 28 May 2020
Publication date: 20 May 2020
The following examples reflect the various types of
practice and approaches that have been taken to learning and teaching,
assessment and feedback, and student support all over the world in view
of the pandemic. These examples are by no means exhaustive and these pages will
be updated regularly as more examples become available.
accompanying overview paper highlights common themes emerging and a sample of
specific international practice. This document was first published on 24 April
and updated on 21 May.
Publication date: 21 May 2020