Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER) is the new quality assurance and enhancement review method for further and higher education provision in colleges and universities across Scotland. It is one mechanism under the Tertiary Quality Enhancement Framework (TQEF) that is designed to support enhancement and give assurance on quality standards and the quality of the student experience.
TQER was developed through an extensive consultation process involving Scotland's universities, colleges, students' associations, representative bodies and networks. This consultation process, its responses and outcomes are detailed in the accompanying TQER Analysis of Sector Consultation - Responses and Decisions.
TQER is a peer-led, enhancement-focused approach which has been co-created with staff and students from across Scotland's tertiary institutions. It places student interests and the student voice at the heart of Scotland's quality system. It also recognises the value, commitment and professionalism of staff across Scotland's system and seeks to provide support and challenge for institutions to deliver meaningful experiences for students and to develop their learning and teaching.
The new TQER guide sets out how provision delivered by colleges and universities will be reviewed to support quality assurance and enhancement. It details the key roles and stages in the TQER process, its evidential requirements, reporting and outcome protocols, its follow-up activities and the responsibilities of review teams, and has a strong emphasis on student engagement and partnerships.
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Compliance with the ESG
The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) provide the framework for internal and external quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. QAA’s review methods are compliant with these standards, as are the reports we publish. More information is available on our website.
Quality Enhancement and Standards Review
TQER replaces Quality Enhancement and Standards Review (QESR) and Institutional Liaison Meetings (ILMs) delivered by QAA Scotland for the Scottish higher education sector during 2022-24. Find out more about QESR.