Quality assurance reports
Search for, and read, reports for all providers reviewed by QAA.
A key part of our role is to review how providers of higher education maintain their academic standards and quality. We carry out many reviews each year for all types of institutions, including private and overseas providers. Review reports are published on our website.
Search for, and read, reports for all providers reviewed by QAA.
Further details about our review methods including handbooks and guidance.
Decisions to grant degree awarding powers in the UK are made by the Privy Council based on advice from us.
Our reviews are carried out by teams from a pool of more than 400 reviewers, who are drawn from universities and colleges around the UK.
If you are a student, staff member, or in other ways engaged in higher education and are concerned about a particular provider, we may be able to help.
Our Directory enables you to search features of good practice, recommendations and affirmations highlighted during our reviews.
ENQA membership and being on the EQAR Register confirms that QAA’s practices comply with the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (2015) (ESG). This also means that QAA is evaluating providers against Part 1 of the ESG and therefore attesting to the alignment of providers practices with the ESG. ESG compliant activity relates specifically to QAA review activity which is listed on the EQAR Register. All activities where QAA assess providers against the ESG are clearly designated as such. Our External Quality Assurance Activity Policy details how we do this.
Publication date: 29 May 2024
In line with the ESG, QAA is also committed to have in place processes for internal quality assurance related to defining, assuring and enhancing the quality and integrity of our activities. This document outlines our approach to internal quality assurance of assessment and review activity.
Publication date: 13 Aug 2021
Providers who meet or exceed UK expectations for quality and standards in their latest QAA review are eligible to use the QAA Quality Mark or Review Graphic. This is also displayed on their report page. The Quality Mark is only awarded to QAA subscribers.
Publication date: 24 Apr 2018
Publication date: 24 Apr 2018