Subject Benchmark Statement: Town and Country Planning
Publication date: 11 Apr 2024
Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.
Below you will find the full Subject Benchmark Statement for Town and Country Planning. Alongside it, we have also published a summary designed to provide a short and accessible overview of the main Statement for students, employers and academics.
Publication date: 11 Apr 2024
Publication date: 11 Apr 2024
As an academic subject, Town and Country Planning is the study of the way societies plan, design, manage and regulate change in the built and natural environments. It therefore includes the study of why and how (and with what consequences) societies intervene, shape, organise and change natural and built environments, in order to secure a range of social, economic and environmental objectives.
Planning education is a stimulating mix of theory and practice that develops graduate attributes in preparation for a professional career either in Town and Country Planning or related fields through transferable communication and analytical skills.
This edition of the Town and Country Planning Subject Benchmark Statement is important reading for all involved with the development, review and delivery of Planning education in the UK and is also an international reference point. The Advisory Group, with membership from across the UK, collectively reviewed the existing Statement by drawing on extensive expertise of the wider academic community, student voice, practitioner insights, and the learned society of town planners.
New sections are included on equality, diversity and inclusion; accessibility; education for sustainability; and employability and education. The principles of these cross-cutting themes are complementary to each other and are embedded throughout the Statement. The Statement provides a supportive framework that will help ensure programmes are innovative and relevant in what is a rapidly evolving learning landscape.
Visit our Subject Benchmark page to find all of our Subject Benchmark Statements, covering a wide range of subjects and discipline areas.