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Business and Management

Subject Benchmark Statement

Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.

Below you will find the full Subject Benchmark Statement for Business and Management. There is a separate Statement for Master's Degrees. Alongside each, we have also published a summary designed to provide a short and accessible overview of the main Statement for students, employers and academics.

Subject Benchmark Statement: Business and Management

Publication date: 08 Mar 2023

Subject Benchmark Statement: Master's Degrees in Business and Management

Publication date: 08 Mar 2023

Subject Benchmark Statement: Business and Management - the basics

Publication date: 08 Mar 2023

Subject Benchmark Statement: Master’s Degrees in Business and Management - the basics

Publication date: 08 Mar 2023

About this subject

Business and management provides a critical understanding of organisations, cultures and structures, their management, and wider economic, environmental and social contexts. It instils an understanding of responsible leadership and develops skills and attributes which equip graduates to become impactful global and inclusive citizens, as well as reflective, independent and collegial lifelong learners.  

Graduates will be able to demonstrate knowledge, understanding and critical evaluation in many areas such as ethics; responsibility and sustainability; risk management; marketing and sales; finance and accounting; people and organisational behaviour; operations and business innovation; data analytics; information systems; business policy, strategy and intelligence; public and non-profit management; and entrepreneurship and enterprise development.

Professor Liz Crolley – Chair of the Advisory Group
University of Liverpool

The Business and Management Subject Benchmark Statements (undergraduate and postgraduate) are a real collective effort, with input from a broad academic community, employers, learned associations and students.

They encourage a sense of responsible leadership via embedding education for sustainable development as well as equality, diversity and inclusion throughout. They also provide a framework within which higher education providers can develop relevant and challenging Business and Management programmes that respond to the changing needs of learners, organisations and society.

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