Subject Benchmark Statement: Biosciences
Publication date: 08 Mar 2023
Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.
Below you will find the full Subject Benchmark Statement for Biosciences. Alongside it, we have also published a summary designed to provide a short and accessible overview of the main Statement for students, employers and academics.
Publication date: 08 Mar 2023
Publication date: 08 Mar 2023
Biosciences is the study of life and as such lies at the heart of human endeavour. An understanding of what ‘life’ is remains central to so many of the great questions that humans ask about the world and ourselves.
Biosciences graduates make a significant contribution to a very wide range of sectors. These include industry, government, non-governmental organisations and education. While Biosciences degrees will equip graduates to be able to pursue a research career, it is increasingly important to recognise the contribution that Biosciences graduates make in other areas, and to prepare graduates accordingly. The majority of Biosciences graduates will use their knowledge and skills in careers outside of research.
This new Statement, produced by experts from across the biosciences, aims to provide guidance for all courses within the field whilst encouraging creativity and innovation in education.
It is focused on skills that are vital for employment and further study, and is designed to remain relevant despite the speed at which our disciplines are advancing. Sustainability, EDI and accessibility are key, and we have woven these throughout, including some practical suggestions to ensure that all students have an equal opportunity to excel at, and be inspired by, the biosciences.
Visit our Subject Benchmark page to find all of our Subject Benchmark Statements, covering a wide range of subjects and discipline areas.