We have a published Procedure which sets out guidelines to ensure that compliments, comments and complaints received by QAA are handled with courtesy, respect and fairness.
We will be better able to respond to your complaint if it is raised promptly and accompanied by supporting information. Please state the area, date and time of incident to which your complaint relates, and provide supporting evidence and any relevant information regarding communication you have had with us on the subject.
We will:
- implement the Compliments, Comments and Complaints Procedure in an open, transparent and accountable way
- handle your complaint with courtesy, respect and fairness
- communicate reasons for the outcome
- use any knowledge and experience gained from complaints to improve how we operate.
We work by the principle that in our work in Wales, we will treat the English and Welsh languages as equal and meet our
Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 Compliance Notice. We will therefore deal with any complaints relating to our compliance with any service delivery, operational or policymaking standards to which we have committed, as set out in this Procedure, regardless of whether the complaint is received in English or Welsh, and will reply in the language the complaint is submitted in unless the complainant provides an alternative preference.
Read our Procedure below for full information.
QAA Comments, Compliments and Complaints Procedure
Publication date: 13 Sep 2023
This policy sets out guidelines to ensure that compliments, comments and complaints received by QAA are handled with courtesy, respect and fairness.
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QAA also has an information publication scheme and a subject access/information request procedure. These can be found on our policies page.
QAA defines a complaint as an expression of an individual’s dissatisfaction with their experience of dealing with QAA. It may be on behalf of the individual’s institution. Complaints are distinct from appeals and representations, which are
challenges by an institution to the outcome of a QAA review or to another decision made by QAA.