Subject Benchmark Statement: Theology and Religious Studies
Publication date: 30 Mar 2022
Subject Benchmark Statements describe the nature of study and the academic standards expected of graduates in specific subject areas. They show what graduates might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.
Below you will find the full Subject Benchmark Statement for Theology and Religious Studies. Alongside it, we have also published a summary designed to provide a short and accessible overview of the main Statement for students, employers and academics.
Publication date: 30 Mar 2022
Publication date: 30 Mar 2022
Courses in Theology and Religious Studies promote critical understanding and analysis of religion/religions in a global context. They are vital for understanding, navigating and changing a world shaped in complex and diverse ways by religion and spirituality, and in which religious identities and diversity are constantly being negotiated.
Students sharpen their understanding of people, cultures and societies within their own locality and experience, and in other cultural and historical contexts. They can engage with a variety of ways of seeing and acting in the world, including some that conflict with or challenge their own. The sophisticated understanding of religion afforded by a degree in this area means graduates can contribute to discussion of topics including international relations, community relations, human rights, social justice, wealth disparity, sustainability, climate change and the digital revolution.
This new Statement highlights the diversity of approaches found in Theology and Religious Studies, and affirms the inclusion in this field of voices from many different contexts and backgrounds. It points to the hugely varied subject matter studied in Theology and Religious Studies courses, and affirms the deep importance of such study for understanding our world. We hope that its publication will support ongoing development, innovation and diversification across the sector.
Visit our Subject Benchmark page to find all of our Subject Benchmark Statements, covering a wide range of subjects and discipline areas.