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The British University in Egypt receives global quality accreditation

Date: September 6 - 2024

The British University in Egypt has successfully completed its International Quality Review (IQR) and been awarded global quality accreditation by QAA.

IQR is a rigorous process which benchmarks global higher education institutions against international quality assurance standards set out in Part 1 of the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG).

The review visit was conducted on 8-10 July 2024 by three independent reviewers appointed by QAA. In making their conclusions, the review team confirmed that the University meets all 10 of the internal quality assurance standards in the ESG.

Established in 2005, The British University in Egypt is a private university in Cairo. It provides a British-style education, and awards degrees validated by UK partner universities and the Egyptian Supreme Council of Universities. 

The review team found four examples of good practice and was able to make five recommendations for enhancement. These recommendations are of a desirable rather than essential nature and are proposed to enable the institution to build on existing practice which is operating satisfactorily but which could be improved or enhanced. The team did not set any conditions. 

Overall, the team concluded that The British University in Egypt meets all standards for International Quality Review. 

QAA's review team identified the following areas of good practice at The British University in Egypt:

  • providing students with the opportunity to apply their theoretical learning and gain practical experience in real-life contexts through the use of the University’s innovative learning facilities
  • the University’s Haya Karima Programme, which partners students with wider Egyptian communities to match those in need with those whose skillsets can make positive differences
  • the University’s Framework for Performance Management which drives alignment between the foci and objectives of individual members of staff and the strategic ambitions and objectives of the University
  • adhering to differing quality assurance, validation and accreditation standards and requirements of UK validating partners, the National Authority for Quality Assurance and Accreditation of Education, and the Supreme Council of Universities in Egypt. 

President and Vice-Chancellor of The British University in Egypt, Professor Mohamed Loutfi said:

 'As the President and Vice-Chancellor of The British University in Egypt, I am delighted that the University has fully met the QAA International Quality Review (IQR) standards (and all ten of the European Standards and Guidelines - ESGs). It is especially pleasing that we are the first University in Egypt and North Africa to achieve this recognition of academic excellence.

 'The IQR review process has enabled us to reflect, critique and develop our own practices in delivery of the ambition of our University Strategy. Our rigorous quality assurance policies and student-centred approach have significantly enhanced our alignment with the ESGs. 

 'The process was embraced by the whole of our University community, and the successful IQR outcome is testament to the contributions of our high-performing and committed academic and professional services staff.

 'The successful IQR outcome is a very special achievement in The British University in Egypt’s twentieth year, and will be a key part of our 20th anniversary celebrations.'

 Chris Bland, QAA’s Head of Accreditation and Consultancy, added: 'QAA is pleased to congratulate The British University in Egypt on its successful completion of our International Quality Review. This is particularly exciting for us as QAA's first accreditation in Egypt. We have very much enjoyed working with our colleagues in Cairo, and we look forward to collaborating with them in the future.'

 This IQR accreditation will be valid for five years, subject to a satisfactory mid-cycle review. The British University in Egypt can now display QAA’s IQR Accreditation Badge, showing that their quality assurance processes are comparable with international best practice.

 By securing IQR accreditation from QAA, international institutions can clearly spotlight their quality standards internationally, and more easily start dialogues with institutions outside their own country.

 You can read The British University in Egypt's IQR report on our website, where you can also find out more about the IQR process and QAA International Membership. If you are interested in your institution seeking accreditation or international membership, and wish to discuss this further, please contact the QAA Global team at