Qualifications can Cross Boundaries - Guide to Comparing Qualifications in the UK and Ireland
Publication date: 14 Aug 2023
Date: | September 25 - 2019 |
QAA has updated its leaflet comparing qualification levels across the UK and Ireland to include, for the first time, a section that outlines qualifications attained in the course of an apprenticeship and the equivalent levels of an apprenticeship where it does not contain a qualification or award.
Qualifications can cross boundaries is the outcome of collaboration between education regulators, funders and quality assurance agencies in all UK jurisdictions and in Ireland. It offers an at-a-glance look at different qualifications frameworks, helping learners, educators, employers and governments understand how qualifications in difference sectors compare with each other.
It also offers a comparison with European higher education frameworks, helping graduates with UK or Irish qualifications understand how they compare internationally.
First published in 2010, QAA maintains and regularly updates the short guide. It features input from QAA, the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Frameworks Partnership, Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (Northern Ireland), Ofqual (England), the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales (Welsh Government), and Quality and Qualifications Ireland.
Publication date: 14 Aug 2023