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QAA reviewer pool doubles in six months

Date: February 4 - 2025
QAA's pool of reviewers, visitors and assessors has increased from about 300 colleagues last summer to more than 600 today.

These new colleagues have joined us to support QAA Scotland's work to deliver the process of Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review, introduced in autumn 2024, and the provision of the quality assurance of nursing and midwifery education for the Nursing and Midwifery Council, which we also began to deliver last autumn.

We have also recruited additional members to our team of student reviewers.

"I've never seen such an extensive pool of reviewers before," says Karen Davies, Head of Compliance and Reviewer Services at QAA. "We believe it's a record for QAA! It's very exciting to be welcoming so many brilliant new people to join our wonderful pool of experts, underpinning our mission to support the sector with this key quality work."

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