Positive outcomes for students studying on a modular basis - QAA’s response to Office for Students’ call for evidence
Publication date: 28 Nov 2023
Date: | November 29 - 2023 |
QAA has published its response to the Office for Student’s call for evidence which sought views on how to measure student outcomes for modular learners under the Lifelong Learning Entitlement (LLE).
The response welcomes recognition that the current outcomes measures do not easily transfer onto modular learning. It argues that progression measures in particular will need to be more expansive to recognise the diverse motivations of modular learners and the range of positive outcomes that can follow smaller amounts of learning.
Crucially, the response argues that any measures implemented must be based on evidence, which is currently limited. It recommends the regulator collects evidence on sector response, learner demand and progression routes in collaboration with learners, employers and providers before determining outcome measures.
While the response welcomes the approach set out by the regulator, it does raise concerns about the extent to which providers will embrace the LLE given the significant resourcing required and the limited evidence of demand. It also raises concerns about the extent to which credit transfer will be easily facilitated, and the importance of learning from existing provision of short courses and micro-credentials.
This response forms part of QAA’s broader work to ensure that the LLE is operationally successful, the modular learning experience is high quality, and providers have the support and resources needed to deliver it well.
The consultation closed on 2 November 2023 and our response is published below.
QAA recently published a briefing paper as part of our Future of Quality in England policy series which outlines how simple changes to the LLE could help to unlock its full ambition. The paper, aimed at policymakers, argues that the eligibility and scope of modules included within the LLE is too narrow, and that pathways for progression throughout a learner’s lifetime are unclear.
Publication date: 28 Nov 2023