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We provide opportunities for students, student representatives and sabbatical officers to engage meaningfully in their providers' quality assurance and enhancement processes.

Our Student Engagement Resource Hub highlights materials, events and networks that are of particular relevance to student engagement, and spotlights key resources that are important for students (see below).

Find out more about what we offer for students in our flyer. We have also published two posters focusing on our work on Enhancing Student Outcomes and Experience and Student Engagement, Representation and Partnership Working.

What does QAA offer for students?

Publication date: 01 Oct 2024

Student Engagement Resource Hub 

Our dedicated Student Engagement Resource Hub includes a range of resources for student representatives and officers, student unions’ staff, and colleagues in providers with a role in supporting student engagement. All are linked to our Membership themes.  

Resources include our Student Engagement Toolkit, which is designed to support student engagement and enhancement across higher education, as well as a whole host of papers, podcasts, videos, case studies and blogs.


QAA Members can access the Hub on our Membership Resources Site.

Get involved

QAA is committed to student engagement and partnership working, through our governance arrangements including the Student Strategic Advisory Committee (SSAC). We deliver a range of events and networks to support our members including student representatives: