Generative Artificial Intelligence in Education: QAA’s response to DfE call for evidence
Publication date: 07 Sep 2023
Date: | September 7 - 2023 |
QAA has published its response to the Department for Education’s consultation on generative artificial intelligence in education.
The consultation sought views on how generative artificial intelligence (AI) is being used across education in England and the opportunities and risks it presents.
Our response emphasises the value of integrating generative AI into curriculum and assessment to support cohorts of learners with critical AI literacy to meet the needs of an evolving labour market. It highlights the need for the sector’s response to keep pace with the trajectory of generative AI’s increased integration into everyday software and tools.
We also note the potential for generative AI tools to improve the quality of provision and student experience, if they are integrated with adequate staff training. For example, tools such as ChatGPT could make it easier for lecturers to personalise their feedback on assessments, enhancing a student’s ability to learn how to improve academically.
Our response recognises a number of concerns that relate to using generative AI in educational settings, particularly regarding academic integrity, potential grade inflation, the depersonalisation of feedback and the digital divide. The threat posed to academic integrity is particularly noted as significant due to the fundamental importance of trusting that a student’s work is their own and truly representative of their ability when awarding qualifications.
The consultation closed on 23 August 2023 and our response is published below.
Publication date: 07 Sep 2023