Evaluating Excellence: TEF 2023 Submission and Panel Statement Analysis
Publication date: 01 May 2024
Date: | May 1 - 2024 |
QAA has published a new report on the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) 2023. It presents a comprehensive qualitative analysis of provider submissions and panel statements, broken down by features of excellence.
Submissions from providers and their students offer a treasure trove of invaluable information about what goes into delivering the student experience. Our report is designed to demonstrate the extent of work happening within the sector, extracting key themes and areas of learning from what has been recognised as outstanding practice, to support the sector in preparing for the next iteration of the TEF and also the broader enhancement of their provision. While only providers in England participated in the TEF, we hope this analysis will be useful for providers across the UK.
The report - Evaluating Excellence: TEF 2023 Submission and Panel Statement Analysis - explores what we can learn from this latest iteration of TEF about outstanding and impactful practice in relation to the core features of the student experience: teaching, learning and assessment; course content and delivery; research, innovation and employer engagement; staff development and academic practice; learning environment and academic support; learning resources; and student engagement.
‘The TEF submissions provide endless examples of innovative and imaginative practice to dig into and, coupled with the TEF panel statements, enabled us to analyse trends in sector practice and the factors that secured ratings of outstanding quality in the exercise,’ said Helena Vine, Lead Policy Officer (England) at QAA.
‘In an environment in which resources are limited, QAA’s role in supporting the sector to learn and enhance its own practices is even more important, and we hope this comprehensive analysis enables providers to do just that. Our work on the TEF will continue, with more in-depth insight and resources available to QAA members throughout the rest of this membership year and into the next.’
Publication date: 01 May 2024