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QAA opens consultation on new Public Policy and Public Administration Subject Benchmark Statement

Date: December 5 - 2024

QAA is inviting staff, students, employers, and professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) to respond to a consultation on the new Subject Benchmark Statement for Public Policy and Public Administration.

The Statement will outline the academic standards expected of Public Policy and Public Administration graduates and articulate what they might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies.

Subject Benchmark Statements offer sector-agreed reference points in the design, delivery and review of academic courses and sit alongside other QAA resources such as the UK Quality Code for Higher Education, Qualifications and Credit Frameworks and Characteristics Statements in supporting aligned approaches to quality across the UK nations.

The Statement has been reviewed by an Advisory Group comprising academics, employers, subject networks and students to ensure a diverse range of voices and experience have been considered. Reviews of Subject Benchmark Statements are undertaken on a cyclical basis every seven years to ensure that Statements remain useful as a contemporary point of reference for staff, students and employers.

Alongside discipline-specific information, this Statement also considers how the cross-cutting themes of equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI), Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), enterprise and entrepreneurship, Generative AI and accessibility for disabled students could be approached by course and quality teams.

How to respond

The consultation document is published on our consultation web page and responses should be submitted via the online survey for the Statement.

The closing date for responses is midday on Friday 17 January 2025 and we plan to publish the final Statement in April 2025.