QAA's International Partner Forum considers online learning
Date: | December 17 - 2024 |
QAA's International Partner Forum met today to discuss approaches to the quality assurance and quality enhancement of online learning.
"We're really proud to have strong relationships with agencies all around the world," said QAA Chief Executive Vicki Stott. "Today's forum is a really great opportunity for us to come together and to share approaches to online learning taken by agencies across the world."
Around 40 representatives of overseas quality agencies joined the discussion, including colleagues from Africa, Asia, Europe and the Middle East.
Rachel Sutton, Associate Director of Quality at the University of London, gave the forum's keynote presentation, offering a case study of her institution's approaches to the quality of online and distance learning.
"We teach online to exactly the same standards as on-campus degrees," she explained, emphasising that the University of London did not see any difference between the expectations of levels and outcomes in relation to such different modes of learning.
She added that its processes of assurance and enhancement aligned its provision not only to the Office for Students' conditions of registration and the qualifications frameworks recommended by QAA – but also, where appropriate for transnational delivery, to the requirements of quality agencies and higher education regulators in other countries.
The University of London is also a member of QAA's scheme for the Quality Evaluation and Enhancement of UK Transnational Education (QE-TNE).
Rachel introduced to the international audience her university's processes for the approval, monitoring and periodic review of programmes, as well as the purposes and workings of external examiner arrangements – and the deployment of student feedback as a "key mechanism for the continual improvement of programmes" – stressing the importance of ensuring that students are given the opportunity to play active roles in quality processes.
"Rachel's presentation proved to be a great springboard for discussion," said Shannon Stowers, QAA's Head of International Policy & Engagement. "We're so grateful to everyone who participated in this lively, productive and insightful debate, and who shared their experiences, practices and expertise with us and with our partners across the world."