QAA funds learning analytics project in Uzbekistan
Date: | February 18 - 2025 |
QAA has awarded a grant to New Uzbekistan University to fund an International Collaborative Enhancement Project which will explore the use of learning analytics in the enhancement of student engagement and the student experience.
Led by New Uzbekistan University's Dr Gizem Uzuner, the project will be run in partnership with colleagues from Uzbekistan's Mamun University and Queen Mary University of London.
It will investigate how higher education institutions based in the Uzbek cities of Tashkent and Khiva can apply approaches to the use of learner analytics practised by Dr Ravshonbek Otojanov, Senior Lecturer in Economics at Queen Mary University in the East End of London.
The project will run from September this year until autumn 2026, and will lead to the publication of a set of case studies and a user handbook of learning analytics.
The organisers of the project also plan to run workshops to introduce colleagues in Uzbekistan to the enhancement opportunities offered by the use of learning analytics, and will involve student inputs through surveys, focus groups and reflective blogs.
QAA has funded more than 80 Collaborative Enhancement Projects as part of QAA Membership, with nearly 200 institutions taking part.