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QAA Chief Executive Douglas Blackstock appointed to Lifelong Education Commission

Date: June 25 - 2021

The former Universities Minister, Chris Skidmore MP, has appointed QAA’s Chief Executive, Douglas Blackstock, to the newly formed Lifelong Education Commission.

The commission, which was launched in February, will seek to explore how the barriers to lifelong learning can be removed, what future investment is required and what regulatory changes will be needed to help deliver whole-system change for post-18 education. The commission will last 18 months, finishing in October 2022, and will be hosted by the public policy think tank ResPublica.

Although independent of his role at the Agency, Douglas brings 20 years’ experience at QAA, where he has played a critical role in our work to maintain academic standards and enhance the quality and global reputation of UK higher education. He is due to step down from his role as Chief Executive later in 2021 but will continue to serve as President of the European Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (ENQA).