QAA announces advisory groups for upcoming Subject Benchmark Statement reviews
Date: | February 24 - 2025 |
QAA has confirmed the membership of the advisory groups for the Subject Benchmark Statements being reviewed in 2025-26.
Subject Benchmark Statements outline the academic standards expected of graduates and articulate what they might reasonably be expected to know, do and understand at the end of their studies. They are an established part of the quality assurance arrangements in UK higher education, developed and written by the academic communities themselves.
QAA leads on the development of Subject Benchmark Statements, ensuring they are kept current and provide value to the discipline communities by reviewing them on a cyclical basis. To ensure that the SBS reviews take into account a diverse and broad spectrum of ideas, opinion and experience on the subject areas considered, each review has its own advisory group, comprising members of the academic community, employers, professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs) and students.
In 2025-26, QAA is reviewing the following subjects:
- Architecture
- Art & Design
- History of Art, Architecture & Design
- Social Policy
- Social Work
- Sociology.
Dr Andy Smith, QAA’s Quality and Standards Manager said: 'We're hugely grateful to all those who have dedicated their time to this crucial work and look forward to continued collaboration on the Subject Benchmark Statement reviews in the coming year. The expertise and commitment of our advisory groups are instrumental in ensuring that Subject Benchmark Statements remain highly valuable to their respective subject communities.'