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QAA accreditation approval extended in Viet Nam

Date: March 17 - 2025
QAA has received approval from the Vietnamese Ministry of Education and Training to continue conducting accreditation at institutional level in Viet Nam.

"This approval supports our mission to contribute to the development of international cultures of quality, and will allow us to collaborate with Vietnamese higher education institutions as they explore opportunities for international quality assurance benchmarking," said Tim Carnley, Global Business & Engagement Manager at QAA. 

"We'd like to thank our colleagues at Viet Nam's Education Quality Management Agency, the British Council, the Department for Business and Trade and the British Chamber of Commerce Vietnam for their invaluable support, and of course to the Ministry of Education and Training for continuing to support our work in Viet Nam.

"We'd also like to take this opportunity to welcome the British University Vietnam, the first university in Viet Nam to be awarded institutional accreditation by QAA, on recently becoming a QAA International Associate Member."

In October 2023, QAA signed an agreement with Viet Nam's Education Quality Management Agency, which underpins our ongoing collaborative activities in Viet Nam. 

We have also recently published a Country Guide to Viet Nam as part of our Quality Evaluation and Enhancement of UK Transnational Higher Education (QE-TNE) Scheme.