OfS recommends QAA as designated quality body
Date: | February 1 - 2018 |
The Office for Students (OfS) has recommended that QAA be designated as the quality body for higher education in England.
In a letter to the Secretary of State for Education, OfS chief executive Nicola Dandridge says:
'We consider that there is only one body that is suitable to perform the assessment functions. That body is the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education and we recommend that QAA is designated to perform those functions.
QAA is well-respected and has long-standing, extensive experience of assessing and supporting quality assurance systems and standards that underpin the higher education sector.
The organisation is recognised internationally as a highly capable, trustworthy and competent provider of quality assurance services.'
The letter of recommendation follows publication by the Department for Education of consultation responses on a designated quality body for higher education in England.
Ninety-eight per cent of the 158 organisations and individuals responding to the consultation said that QAA was capable of meeting all the designation conditions.