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A launchpad for future success - QAA’s latest resources supporting assessment design

Date: July 2 - 2021

QAA has published a suite of new resources for Member institutions from our latest project - ‘Learning from the Online Pivot: Approaches to aligning assessment and learning outcomes for student success’.

The project identifies opportunities for the development of alternative, inclusive and authentic learning and assessment. The resulting materials are aimed at supporting providers to address challenges such as over-assessment, as well as demands for increasingly flexible student pathways and forms of assessment that are more directly related to graduate skills and scenarios.

The resources comprise an overview report introducing the key concepts and practices and a range of practical tools including:

  • quick links to references and resources 
  • 13 detailed case studies and related materials
  • a readiness tool to help providers identify their starting point for enhancing or influencing practice
  • a set of structured self-reflective questions.

QAA commissioned Professor Elizabeth Cleaver and Professor Mike McLinden, independent higher education consultants, to undertake the project, and previously published a short briefing paper and a blog about the work.

The overview report is available to staff and students from all QAA Member institutions on our Membership Resources Site, and the detailed tools and case studies are available for our Quality Insights package holders.

QAA Members can sign up to use the Membership Resources Site by completing our simple registration form.

Further information about QAA Membership, which provides access to this advice along with a broad range of other benefits, is on our website.