As Artificial Intelligence continues to evolve rapidly, it’s vital to consider how this will affect the way we experience art, design and other creative subjects – and in turn, the impacts of this on how we should teach our next generation of designers. There has been substantial discussion within the higher education sector on language AI, however the impact of this rapidly evolving technology on learning and teaching in art and design is set to be dramatic and is not yet well explored or understood.
This project will involve students and academics working alongside the iconic Liberty Fabrics' design studio, investigating the capabilities and limitations of AI. How will it impact the design workflow? And how should teaching and learning in art and design adapt and respond to maximise the benefits from these new tools?

The project team will be developing a new design process and teaching methodology, alongside considering how design workflow and Intellectual Property will be affected. They aim to encourage the use of AI in design subjects, whilst providing guidance and support through a tested framework.
Planned outputs
- An exploratory design brief investigating how students use AI within the design process.
- An online toolkit that will aid institutions in integrating AI into design teaching and learning.
- An end of project event to share practice and examples of some of the work produced by students.
Lead institution: Nottingham Trent University
Partner institutions: Norwich University of the Arts and Chelsea College of Arts, University of the Arts London
Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects
QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.