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A toolkit for implementing PhBL as part of a future-proofed SDG HE curriculum

This project introduces Phenomenon Based Learning (PhBL) as a pedagogic vehicle to build on the Education for Sustainable Development Guidance published by Advance HE and QAA.

Having drawn upon global sources of evidence, including Universities of the Future, this project enabled collaboration between Staffordshire University and Harper Adams University, two providers with very different approaches, to test Phenomenon Based Learning within subjects and beyond, across programme areas at different academic levels.

Project blogs

Introducing the PHBL Toolkit

The toolkit supports the use of Phenomenon-based Learning as a pedagogic vehicle within Higher Education for the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals and equitably within the curriculum, via Phenomenon Based Learning modelling.

The toolkit is based on the artefacts generated from working with students from the 2 collaborating institutions over a series of 6 Stop the Clock workshops. The Stop the Clock format enabled students to engage in a micro-experience of phenomenon-based learning and provide critical reflection on its value as a pedagogic approach. The tools are informed by dialogue with international educators and scholarly outputs concerning the embedding of phenomenon-based learning.

The toolkit is divided into three parts:

What if you explored PhBL? A worked example

Type: Video and transcription

Useful for raising awareness about the potential of PhBL; to introduce PhBL experiences to students, teaching staff and support staff e.g. during induction or within module handbooks.

PhBL: Key Features and Pedagogic Connections

Type: Printable resource outlining, in a comparison table, the pedagogic features of PhBL in the family of inquiry-based learning approaches

Useful for individuals and teams undertaking curriculum planning; Educational developers supporting the implementation of PhBL e.g. preparing for course validation, establishing and communicating course features and constructive alignment for assessment strategies.

Phenomenon-based Learning: Key features and pedagogic connections

Publication date: 06 Sep 2023

What do students do in PhBL?

Type: Printable sketchnote illustrating the cognitive activities that students engage in during a PhBL experience.

Useful for individuals and teams undertaking curriculum planning; Educational developers supporting the implementation of PhBL; to introduce PhBL modules to students, teaching staff and support staff e.g. during induction or within module handbooks.


Click image to view a larger size

What is PhBL through the student lens?

Type: Video sharing students descriptions of a PhBL experience.

Useful for developing a shared understanding of PhBL and appreciating the core elements of the pedagogy.

PhBL articles and blog posts

PhBL Podcast


Type: PhBL episode of QAA Membership Podcast


Useful for understanding the fundamentals of PhBL and how it can empower students (and staff).

An exploration of phenomenon-based learning

Selecting a phenomenon checklist

Type: Printable checklist outlining the principles for selecting a suitable phenomenon that ensure appropriate breadth and depth of learning for student cohort.

Useful for planning activities by modular/course staff; communicating with stakeholders concerning appropriate opportunities to observe the phenomena.

Selecting a phenomenon checklist

Publication date: 06 Sep 2023

The PhBL “Get ready pack” for students

Type: MS Sway file, which takes students through hints and tips to support effective PhBL Learning.

Useful for introducing PhBL modules to students, teaching staff and support staff, e.g. during induction or within module handbooks. Planning activities that support the development of metacognition.

PhBL Design Dialogue Sheet and PhBL Design Dialogue Sheet Instructions

Type: Printable large-scale sheet to guide planning discussions across the major design decisions when implementing PhBL. The dialogue sheet can be printed as A1 tabletop resource and annotated on as the team progress their planning discussions. Printable instructions to convey the foundations of each section of the dialogue sheet.

Useful for collaborative planning of PhBL.


Click image to view larger size

PHBL Design Dialogue sheet (594 × 841 mm)

Publication date: 06 Sep 2023


Click image to view larger size

‘What if’ starter pack

Type: A series of What If triggers that have been tested during the project. The What If triggers respond to the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and provide learning opportunities for students across the disciplines. Each card illustrates serval lines of inquiry generated by multidisciplinary student groups and offers suggestions across the stages of Engage, Explore and Expand. The final page is a clear template that can used to plan What If triggers and phasing of learning/ content.

Useful for collaborative planning of PhBL.

What if starter pack and template

Publication date: 06 Sep 2023

PHBL References and Signposts

Publication date: 06 Sep 2023


The final report presents the methodology and process of generating the toolkit, and reflects on student partnership working.

Developing Phenomenal Learning: A toolkit for implementing Phenomenon-Based Learning as part of a future-proofed SDG HE curriculum

Publication date: 01 Nov 2023

Other resources

We invited colleagues working on this project to share with us what meaningful ESD looks like from their perspective and how their work will better enable ESD.

Project lead:

Staffordshire University

Project partners:

Harper Adams University

Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.