In this blog post, Michaela Pittom from Kingston University discusses their experience with exam boards
The delivery of exam boards is under increasing pressure; exam boards are making more decisions than ever before due to increased student numbers, timescales for decision-making are shrinking as institutions try to ensure reassessment happens early in the summer and the decision-making process is particularly complex when new provision is introduced, such as partnerships or professional body requirements. This often leads to quick decisions needing to be made, resulting in variable practice across institutions – with little practitioner guidance or practice-sharing available.

This project will develop an evidence base of exam board practice in the UK higher education sector, proposing enhancements to exam board delivery and creating a community of knowledge-sharing.
By considering how institutions are introducing new approaches and streamlining exam board delivery, the project aims to support institutions in freeing up staff time to focus on enhancements that benefit the student experience.
Planned outputs
- Practice-sharing and problem-solving workshops on the future of exam boards
- A report summarising existing and evolving practice in exam boards
- A framework for defining exam board activity in the UK, sharing good practice
- Reflective case studies outlining opportunities and challenges experienced in exam board practice and examples from those who have delivered institution-wide change in exam board models.
Lead institution: University of Bristol
Partner institution: Kingston University
To find out more about how to get involved with the project, you can contact, Charlotte Verney at the University of Bristol or Michaela Pittom at Kingston University.
Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects
QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.