Assessment of competence often proves challenging due to factors such as limited understanding, awareness or confidence in alternative assessment formats, staff buy-in to the use of competence-based assessment or, as a result of accrediting body requirements.
Clear support and guidance will enable competence-based assessment strategies to be developed that are effective at a disciplinary level. In turn, this will help to address broader challenges to the sector – such as Generative Artificial Intelligence, the hidden curriculum, plagiarism and inclusive education.

This project will create an online resource, including the Competence-Based Assessment Framework and a suite of other resources that support adoption and share good practice.
Planned outputs
- A website hosting the Competence-Based Assessment Framework, which will have been tried and tested in a range of higher education providers
- A holistic set of support materials, developed from in-person workshops, that will facilitate use of the online framework. Student participation in the workshops will ensure that the student voice is included in these resources
- Case studies highlighting how institutions have responded with real-world solutions to common, sector-wide challenges with assessment in Competence-Based education curricula
- A project evaluation report, including an update on the progress of the partner institutions in adopting Competence-Based education
- A Competence-Based Assessment Symposium where insights, guidance and resources from the project will be shared
Blog post: Introduction to the C-BAss framework

PODCAST - Competence-based education
QAA's Dr Kerr Castle and colleagues from the University of Hull compare the core concepts of competence-based education with those of traditional educational models.
Lead institution: University of Hull
Partner institutions: Bishop Burton College, Cardiff University, University of Chester, Newcastle University, University of Leicester
Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects
QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.