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International Associate Membership is for higher education institutions recognised by their local quality agency/regulator - for example, through a letter of approval or a quality assurance report. It is suitable for those institutions who have not yet achieved International Quality Review (IQR) accreditation from QAA. 


More details of what you can expect from International Associate Membership is shown on this web page. You might also like to read our brochure and watch our short film to find out more.


QAA International Associate Membership Brochure 2024-25

Publication date: 23 Apr 2024

What does International Associate Membership include?

As a International Associate Member you will have access to a range of resources, staff development and events which cover a broad area of activity centred on the themes chosen for the Membership year. These include:

  • Papers and briefings on topics most relevant to members, for example artificial intelligence, academic integrity and the use of micro-credentials - supported webinars and events.
  • Case studies and opinion pieces that build on these resources and briefings.
  • Country-focused reports that offer insights about quality assurance, accreditation and partnership in specific countries.
  • International Member workshops - 6 sessions each year.
  • Annual Conference, Quality Insights Conference and Quality Matters Conference - up to 5 online places for each.
  • International Membership Newsletter to keep you up to date with the latest activities, resources and opportunities.

Membership Resources Site

As an International Associate Member, all your staff and students have access to the QAA Membership Resources Site. Here you will find a wealth of resources including briefings, research outcomes, country reports and materials relating to our events.

Lead a Collaborative Enhancement Project

QAA International Associate Members can also submit a proposal to lead a QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project, which offers funding for groups of member institutions to work together to explore areas of shared interest and engage students. The next round of Collaborative Enhancement Project funding will open later in the year.

Calendar of events and publications for 2024-25

This calendar provides an indicative schedule of the key events and resources that are part of the International Associate Membership Programme for 2024-25.

QAA International Membership Calendar of Events and Publications 2024-25

Publication date: 07 Mar 2025

Being part of QAA’s International Membership allows us to share and learn best practice with a likeminded community of similar institutions around the world. As members, we have found QAA’s guidance and good practice papers particularly useful to develop and enhance our own practices. We plan to continue to use QAA’s resources to inform our policies, practices and continue to enhance and build upon the quality of learning, teaching and assessment.

Emilia Todorova
Academic Quality & Learning Manager, University of Gibraltar

How to become an International Associate Member

To become an International Associate Member, your institution will need to demonstrate that you are recognised by your local quality agency/regulator - for example, through a letter of approval or a quality assurance report. You will need to pay an annual fee. Membership fees reflect the number of students at your institution. The Membership year runs from 1 August to 31 July. For more information about membership fees, please contact us.

If your institution subsequently receives IQR accreditation status, you have the option to apply for Full International Membership in the current membership year, with the additional fee charged at a pro-rata rate for the remainder of that year.

The process for eligible institutions to join is quick and easy. If you are thinking about joining us, please contact our QAA Global Team who will be happy to discuss how we can help.

Below you will find the QAA International Associate Membership Terms and Conditions. 

QAA International Associate Membership Terms and Conditions

Publication date: 22 Apr 2022