An Overview of Peer Observation of Teaching in Wales
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023
QAA undertook an enhancement project examining current practice in peer observation of teaching in Wales. The project includes the publication of an overview report covering practice in the regulated and funded providers in Wales, and how this compares to practice across the UK.
To undertake the project, QAA distributed a survey to all 11 providers (nine HEIs and two FEIs) and subsequently undertook a series of interviews with these providers. The project also involved desk-based research looking at practice across other parts of the UK, including 25 HEIs in varying structure, size, and type.
The project has also produced a checklist of key questions to consider when implementing a peer observation of teaching scheme.
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023
Funded by Medr, Wales's Commission for Tertiary Education and Research, this new report comprises a collection of 13 case studies developed by colleagues based in colleges and universities across the nation, on the impact of staff development on teaching practice and student learning and performance.
Publication date: 22 Oct 2024
In addition to the report, a webinar took place on Tuesday 27 June to share the findings from the project and share practice.
The webinar included the following presentations:
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023
Publication date: 14 Sep 2023