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QAA’s constitutional document is our Articles of Association. Our Board members reflect a wide range of interests, within tertiary education as well as other areas. Some members are appointed for their experience of industry, commerce, finance or the practice of a profession, and we have two student members. We also have members nominated by bodies representing UK higher education providers across the tertiary sector, and by the funding bodies.  

The Board oversees the strategic direction, policy development, finances and performance of QAA.


QAA Code of Good Practice in Governance

Publication date: 15 Mar 2023

Chair of the Board

Christian Brodie

Christian Brodie is Chair of the QAA Board. He holds a degree in Jurisprudence (Law) from the University of Oxford. He had a career in law as a qualified solicitor working in the City of London and New York and subsequently in financial services.

Jimena Alamo

Jimena is the President of the University of Bath Students' Union, and is the independent student member on QAA's Board.

Professor Nic Beech

Professor Nic Beech is Vice-Chancellor of Middlesex University, having previously been a Vice-Principal of the University of St Andrews and Provost of the University of Dundee.

Professor Nichola Callow

Professor Nichola Callow is Pro Vice-Chancellor Education and Student Experience at Bangor University. Her current PVC role includes responsibility for developing, leading, and implementing education and student experience related strategies, and for academic quality assurance and enhancement.

Caroline Carter

Caroline is a newly appointed independent Board member. She has a portfolio of non-executive director, trustee and governor roles in higher education, access and schools.

Fazal Dad

Dr Fazal Dad has been the Principal and Chief Executive of Blackburn College since January 2019. Before this, he gained over 30 years' experience in further education, working in three different FE institutions in the West Midlands.

Phil Deans

Phil Deans is QAA's Senior Independent Director, and President and Vice Chancellor of Richmond American University London.

Alex Fraser

Alex Fraser joined The London Institute of Banking & Finance (formerly ifs University College) as Chief Executive in March 2015 from Cass Business School, City University London, where he was Chief Operating Officer for six years.

Professor Rachid Hourizi

Professor Rachid Hourizi is the Vice Chair of the QAA Board. He is Director of the Institute of Coding (IoC) since its launch in January 2018.

Dr Lucy Jones

Dr Lucy Jones is Vice Principal Academic Development at Anglia Ruskin University Peterborough.

Richard Khaldi

Richard Khaldi is Chambers Director for Maitland Chambers, one of the UK’s leading Barristers’ chambers.

Professor Karl Leydecker

Professor Karl Leydecker FRSE has been Senior Vice-Principal at the University of Aberdeen since March 2019. Previously he was Vice-Principal Learning and Teaching at the University of Dundee. His disciplinary background is German and Comparative Literature.

Professor Mirjam Plantinga

Professor Mirjam Plantinga has been Pro Vice-Chancellor at the University of Wales Trinity Saint David since 2022.

Dani Saghafi

Dani is a Fellow Chartered Certified Accountant and serves on the Senate and as an Associate Professor of Practice at Brunel University London.

Professor John Sawkins

Professor John Sawkins is Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Deputy Principal) Learning and Teaching at Heriot-Watt University. His background is as an economist with research interests in the economic regulation of the water industry, with particular reference to water pricing, affordability and debt.

Peter Vermeulen

Peter Vermeulen is the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) at the University of Bristol. He started his career in audit and assurance with PricewaterhouseCoopers, after which he worked in both the banking sector and higher education.