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QAA is a world-leading quality agency with unmatched experience of providing impartial regulatory and collaborative quality assurance and enhancement. We work across the UK and internationally to ensure that students and learners experience the highest possible quality of education. We are an independent charity, trusted by governments and funding bodies. We work in partnership with higher education providers and colleges, including through constructive challenge, supporting them with enhancement while respecting their academic autonomy. Find out more about us.


Latest news

Our Annual Conference highlights lifelong learning and artificial intelligence

Back Beyond the Baseline

QAA publishes Country Report on Brazil


‘The best way to predict the future is to invent it’ - Building HE 5.0 together

30/05/2024 - Professor Liz Cleaver, Independent HE Consultant

How the TEF can debunk the biggest myths about higher education

02/05/2024 - Helena Vine, Policy & Public Affairs Officer, QAA

The future of lifelong learning

15/01/2024 - Helena Vine, Policy & Public Affairs Officer, QAA

Upcoming events

An Introduction to International Programme Accreditation

September 26 - 2024


PVC Education Network

September 27 - 2024


Conversations with Quality Leads

October 1 - 2024



QAA Membership Resources Site

All staff and students from QAA Member providers can access our Membership Resources Site.

Generative Artificial Intelligence

Find advice, guidance and resources related to Generative AI, carefully curated by theme.

UK Quality Code for Higher Education

Read the new version of the Quality Code, published in June 2024.