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International Pathway Courses

Characteristics Statement

Characteristics Statements describe the distinctive features of qualifications at particular levels within the Qualifications Frameworks. They describe the qualifications in terms of their purpose, general characteristics and generic outcomes, but do not include subject level detail.


On this page you will find the Characteristics Statement for International Pathway Courses. A short summary of the Statement is published below.


International Pathway Courses Characteristics Statement

Publication date: 25 Oct 2022

About this Characteristics Statement

International Pathway Courses are aimed at giving international students an opportunity to gain entry to UK degree courses. They can help students who have not had the opportunity to study to a level permitting direct entry to an institution in the UK, and provide an opportunity to adapt to UK academic culture, develop core skills, subject knowledge and confidence in a safe and supportive environment which emulates the experience of studying in a higher education institution.


International Pathway Courses is a term which covers International Foundation Programmes, Year Zero, Global Year One and International Graduate Diplomas. They exist in a range of durations and provide entry at multiple levels to both undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.

This Characteristics Statement for International Pathway Courses considers the context and purpose of these courses, as well as the institutions that typically deliver them. It explores key features of the content and structure, and the focus on English language, as well as academic skills, subject modules and delivery models.

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Visit our Characteristics Statements page to find more Statements including Master’s Degrees, Degree Apprenticeships, Foundation Degrees, Qualifications involving more than one degree-awarding body, Doctoral Degrees, and Micro-credentials.