Quality Enhancement Review (QER) is the method by which we review Welsh higher education providers as part of the Quality Assessment Framework for Wales. It provides a distinctive approach to
QER provides quality assurance and supports quality enhancement, assuring governing bodies, students and the wider public that providers meet the requirements of Medr, The Commission for Tertiary Education and Research. QER assesses providers against agreed baseline regulatory requirements and the European Standards and Guidelines.
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Compliance with the ESG
The Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG) provide the framework for internal and external quality assurance in the European Higher Education Area. QAA’s review methods are compliant with these standards, as are the reports we publish. More information is available on our website.
A revised handbook was published in August 2023 following a process of extensive engagement with the sector. This process culminated in a consultation on a draft handbook in May and June 2023. A summary of the consultation responses and how QAA has taken these into account when finalising the Handbook has been published.
Handbook and Guidance
Reviews in Wales Knowledge Base
This knowledge base has been developed from the outcomes of the Quality Enhancement Review and Gateway Quality Review Wales from 2017 – present. The knowledge base includes information about the review methods including judgement areas, categorisation of commendations, recommendations, affirmations, areas for development and specified improvements and in-cycle changes. Users can filter the outcomes by themes of the UK Quality Code as well as additional categories.
Welsh Language Provision
We are committed to treating the Welsh and English languages as equal and taking into account the requirements and expectations of Welsh Language Standards. For further information, see Annex 3 of the Handbook.