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Our Collaborative Enhancement Projects offer funding for small groups of institutions to work together on projects to enhance the quality of the participating institutions’ student learning experience. Funded projects also lead to the development of outputs that benefit the wider QAA membership and higher education sector.

Our Collaborative Enhancement Projects are a fantastic opportunity for QAA Members to come together to explore shared areas of interest in the pursuit of an enhanced student learning experience within their institutions. These projects not only serve to benefit the institutions involved but lead to the development of practical outputs that can be used by all QAA members.'

Dr Ailsa Crum, Director of Membership, Quality Enhancement and Standards, QAA



You can find a full list of QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects, current and completed, in this document. Links are also included to further information about each project, where available.


QAA Collaborative Enhancement Projects

Publication date: 01 Oct 2024


Find out more about all current projects, and access resources and outputs via the links below. Projects have been organised by topic, with some covering more than one area.

Projects by institutions

Find out more about our Collaborative Enhancement Projects using the map below. Open the legend by clicking on the menu button in the top left, then either select the label on the side navigation menu or click on a project pin on the map, to find out more information.