Members can access materials relating to this area of work on our Membership Resources Site.
Engaging, contemporary and pedagogically informed teaching and learning are central to a positive student experience.
Our resources for members help busy practitioners design pedagogically underpinned teaching and learning, utilising an outcomes-based approach and considering how practice may evolve.
Member resources
Competence-based education primer
The QAA Competence-Based Education Primer offers a broad introduction to competence-based education and its value to the higher education sector.
Utilising a forward-facing, inter and cross-disciplinary focus, emphasising the process of learning through doing and not just knowledge accumulation, the introductory nature of this piece means it is likely to appeal to a wide audience. This includes senior management teams who drive strategic change, educators engaged in curriculum design and delivery, staff responsible for quality assurance and enhancement, and professional, statutory and regulatory bodies (PSRBs).
You can also access a supporting Competence-based Education Bibliography which links to useful resources which have informed, influenced and shaped the primer.
Higher education toolkit
This toolkit has been developed to help members align internal quality assurance processes with the UK Quality Code for Higher Education to support effective quality management. It is aimed at college and independent HE providers, particularly those without full degree awarding powers and with smaller-scale provision.
Using outcomes-based approaches to learning, teaching and assessment
This project identifies opportunities for the development of alternative, inclusive and authentic learning and assessment. Resources support members to address challenges such as over-assessment and demands for increasingly flexible student pathways and forms of assessment more directly related to graduate skills.
Made Digital research project
Our Made Digital research explores how the swift transition to digital teaching, learning and assessment affected student engagement and performance. It includes ideas about what works to increase student engagement and highlights how providers have adapted assessments for a digital environment.
Student-centred learning and teaching playbook
This Hallmarks of Success playbook focuses on the interrelated themes of student engagement, retention, achievement and progression in the context of hybrid learning.
Supporting and empowering teaching staff in a digital environment playbook
This Hallmarks of Success playbook examines the importance of organisational culture, strategic vision, mission and objectives as well as professional development, recognition and reward for staff.
Teaching and learning in a digital environment
A series of case studies and webinar presentations focus on teaching and learning in a digital environment, including:
- A strategic approach to developing digital skills and confidence
- A collaborative online space for curriculum design
- Engaging meaningfully with student voice as a collaborative curriculum design dialogue
- Pedagogy as a driver of quality in a digital environment
- Curriculum design as a driver of quality in a digital environment
Collaborative Enhancement Projects
Our Collaborative Enhancement Projects offer funding opportunities for groups of our member institutions to work together on projects of shared interest. Explore the projects which cover a range of topics and interest areas including flexible learning, online reading, block delivery, hybrid teaching and multimodality.