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QAA undertook an enhancement project exploring current practice in the sector in relation to micro-credentials, building on case studies that HEFCW developed and published in December 2022. The project explored current use of the QAA Micro-credentials Characteristics Statement (published May 2022).


To undertake the project, QAA distributed a survey to all participating providers (nine HEIs and two FEIs) and subsequently undertook a series of tailored conversations with these providers.


The conversations provided an opportunity to explore some of the approaches in more detail; any challenges and ways in which they were being addressed; the use of the QAA Micro-credentials Characteristics Statement and whether any revisions to it would be helpful at this stage; and any other areas that might be valuable for the sector to explore to enhance practice.

Micro-credentials: Practice in the Higher Education Sector in Wales

Publication date: 18 Dec 2023


The project also held two webinars and the resources can be found below.

Quality Assurance processes (24 May 2023)

Micro-credential planning: Sport managers and health project

Publication date: 14 Sep 2023

Microcredentials: The Open University in Wales

Publication date: 14 Sep 2023

Practicalities of delivery (7 June 2023)

Quality assurance of micro-credentials at the University of South Wales - a work in progress

Publication date: 14 Sep 2023