Definitions of Embedding Mental Wellbeing
Publication date: 15 Dec 2021
This project, led by De Montfort University, explores how mental wellbeing can be embedded into all aspects of higher education to enhance the student experience. Collaborative research by teams from seven higher education providers and a students’ union has led to the collation of best practice examples and the creation of these Open Educational Resources (OERs).
The project team provide definitions for mental wellbeing and embedding mental wellbeing to facilitate accessibility of the resources provided. Having identified examples to share with the sector, the benefits of embedding mental wellbeing for students, practitioners or programmes, and institutions (including students’ unions) are shared, helping users consider the outcomes to be realised from replicating similar activity within their own settings.
The OERs aim to support colleagues in higher education globally to embed mental wellbeing in their curricula, and are thematically grouped into:
In this blog post, Project Lead Zoë Allman discusses World Mental Health Day and the various open educational resources developed and shared as part of this project that can help!
Zoë Allman from De Montfort University and co-author Kate Lister from Arden University discuss the project in this Frontiers in Education journal article.
Zoë Allman from De Montfort University talks more about the project in this blog post.
Publication date: 15 Dec 2021
What pedagogical approaches and techniques can support embedding mental wellbeing in the curriculum?
What approaches can we take to embed mental wellbeing across higher education providers, programmes and modules?
How can we best support student mental wellbeing in the design of assessment and feedback?
What initiatives and interventions support students navigating transitions and through the student journey?
How does embedding mental wellbeing support student engagement in work-based placements and professional experiences?
How can relationship-building, connection and belonging be utilised as approaches to embedding mental wellbeing?
This Open Educational Resource (OER) was developed as part of the ‘Embedding Mental Wellbeing: Methods and Benefits’ Collaborative Enhancement Project 2021.
This OER was launched at a QAA online event on Monday 17 January 2022, ‘Blue Monday’, considered by many to be the most depressing day of the year. This date was chosen for the event to enable sector reframing and refocusing on positive examples of embedding mental wellbeing to inspire delegates to embed mental wellbeing in their curriculum activities.
A follow-up event for QAA Quality Insights Members is scheduled for Tuesday 14 June 2022.
If you have any comments or questions the team would be delighted to hear from you, please contact the Project Leader Zoë Allman at De Montfort University.
The ‘Embedding Mental Wellbeing: Methods and Benefits’ Collaborative Enhancement Project 2021 team included academics, professional services, senior leaders, and student union representatives from the original project partners:
De Montfort University
QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.