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Improving the student learning experience starts by improving the teacher learning experience.

Shaped and informed by cutting-edge observation research and practice, the project team implemented and evaluated an innovative and collaborative observation model, which involved groups of students and teaching staff from varied disciplines, co-observing and co-reflecting on the quality of their learning and teaching.

This approach reconceptualises and reconfigures the way in which students and staff engage with observation as a method for inquiring into and enhancing learning and teaching. This work enables students to become genuine partners in co-inquiring and co-constructing their learning experiences with staff.

The project has:

  • developed a reconceptualised approach to the use of observation as a tool to enhance the quality of teaching and learning
  • implemented two cycles of collaborative observation with students and staff across three universities and evaluated its impact at the course/module level 
  • provided students and staff with conceptual, practical tools to promote authentic collaboration and inquiry into the quality of their learning and teaching  
  • increased student engagement in shaping their learning experiences by empowering them to become directly involved in informing and improving the quality of learning and teaching on their course/module.



  • A practical step-by-step guide to support the training, preparation and implementation of a cycle of collaborative observation as a quality enhancement tool.
  • Digital case studies providing insights into the learning and teaching experiences and practices of students and staff.

Report: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation

Publication date: 27 Feb 2025

Using the Cycle of Collaborative Observation

The Cycle of Collaborative Observation (CoCO) has seven stages through which staff and students are supported as collaborative partners.  

The training guide is designed to: 

  • introduce and clarify CoCo 
  • initiate the stages 
  • outline the roles students and staff play as observers and observees
  • discuss the practicalities of the work (time commitment, schedules etc).

Case studies

Podcast: The rewards of collaborative observation


In this episode, staff and students from Loughborough University and Birmingham City University come together to discuss a collaborative project that enhances student learning experience.

Project launch webinar

This presentation was delivered at the Implementing and Evaluating a Cycle of Collaborative Observation to Improve Learning and Teaching Quality launch event on 5 July 2024. A number of questions were raised at the event, the answers to which are provided in the document below.

Presentation: Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation launch event

Publication date: 09 Jul 2024

Questions and answers from the Enhancing Learning and Teaching Quality through Collaborative Observation launch event

Publication date: 18 Jul 2024

Project lead: Birmingham City University

Project partners: Loughborough University and University of Wolverhampton

Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.