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Specialist and Independent Provider Policy and Practice Network

Date: May 22 - 2025
Location: Online

22 May 2025, 14:00 - 16:00, UK time

This network brings together specialist and independent higher education providers from across the UK to discuss new developments in the sector and share insights.

  • Our policy section (14:00-14:40) will bring you up to speed on all the latest developments relating to quality and standards, highlighting the impact of these for specialist and independent higher education providers - we’ll also provide an overview of new and upcoming activities and resources. 
  • The practice element (14:45-16:00) is designed to facilitate members sharing approaches, experiences and insights.    

Topics and speakers will be announced a few weeks ahead of the meeting.

Who this event is for

This session will be of interest to senior leaders and vice principals, Heads, Deans or Directors of Quality and Teaching and Learning.

Please note the online registration closes the day before the event. Please email if you would like to register after the online registration has closed.


Further information about this event, including how to register, is available on our booking site.