We have expertise in safeguarding academic standards and enhancing the quality of the student experience offered in Scotland wherever and however delivered. We promote excellent, responsive and inspiring learning provided in partnership with students.
New for 2023-24
Tertiary Quality Project
QAA is delighted to have been commissioned by the Scottish Funding Council (SFC) to lead key areas of Scotland’s Tertiary Quality Project (TQP). The TQP involves the development and delivery of a common approach to assuring and enhancing quality in Scotland’s tertiary sector from academic year 2024-25.
We are leading on two important project workstreams in collaboration with the SFC, sector agencies, and staff and students from Scotland’s colleges and universities.
Quality arrangements for 2024-25
Our current external review method is Tertiary Quality Enhancement Review (TQER).
The Tertiary Enhancement Topic is 'The future of learning and teaching: Defining and delivering an effective and inclusive digital/blended offering'.
Latest news
Our Tertiary Future Conference - Registration now open!
Date: | August 15 - 2024 |
Thursday 12th September (09.30-16.00), Glasgow Caledonian University
QAA Scotland and the College Development Network (CDN) are excited to bring you ‘Our Tertiary Future’ Conference, which brings together staff and students from across the tertiary sector to discuss the evolving needs of learners, diverse learning experiences and quality outcomes.
On the day, we aim to:
- understand and explore the potential for collaboration across colleges and universities
- examine how we can support coherence across the tertiary sector for learners
- consider the implications of introducing the anticipated tertiary quality arrangements, set to be implemented from 2024-25
If you have a stake or interest in Scotland’s evolving tertiary sector, this event is for you. We look forward to seeing you on 12 September, as we prepare for Our Tertiary Future. Visit the event booking site to register.