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Professional Services play an important part of an institutions human connection with students and help shape successful student outcomes. 


The first strand of this Focus On project is to understand methodologies and approaches to Professional Services Partnerships (PSR). We have published a report of our desk-based review of current practice including ELIR 4 outcomes and processes, which is intended as a practical resource for institutions to reference when developing their processes for PSR. It includes a range of institutional practices and reflective questions to support institutions’ considerations of their approaches to PSR.


The second project strand is exploring, facilitating and communicating professional service partnerships. Student perspectives on professional service partnerships were gathered through a recorded student focus group. A short report discusses these student views and is supported by reflective questions for institutions to consider when reviewing their professional service partnerships.

Project resources

This report is the key result of the desk research for the first strand of the project and serves to identify appropriate approaches and methodologies for professional services review.


A set of reflective questions to consider when developing or reviewing PSR practices are collected in the Annex of the report.  To enable these questions to be used independently, the Annex is also published a separate downloadable document.

Focus On: Professional Services Review

Publication date: 05 Apr 2022

Annex - Reflective questions to support PSR development

Publication date: 14 Jun 2022

This annotated video is from the second strand of the project and explores student perspectives of professional services and how they are reviewed, as well as the impact of professional service partnerships on the student experience. Below is a short report that discusses these student views and poses reflective questions for higher education practitioners and students to consider when reviewing their professional service partnerships. These reflective questions are also published as a separate document for ease of use.

Focus on: professional services partnerships – summary of student reflections

Publication date: 21 Jul 2022


Event resources


We held a Focus On event in Glasgow on 7 April 2022 to discuss and reflect on the project themes. It was an opportunity for colleagues to collaborate and examine their own practice and partnerships within their institution with a view to planning a project or professional service review. We have published a summary of the event, as well as a collection of speaker slides.