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Our thanks go to the following who contributed to the Resource Hub, and offered feedback on the development of these resources.

  • Tab Betts
  • Ann Cotterill 
  • John Cowan 
  • David Gordon
  • Neil Gordon 
  • Pauline Hanesworth 
  • Clare Killen  
  • Kenji Lamb 
  • Gloria Laurini  
  • Sheila Macneill  
  • Irma Meijerman 
  • Kevin Merry 
  • Colin Milligan 
  • Elizabeth Newall 
  • Jen Ross 
  • Simon Thomson 
  • Dominic Walker 
  • Joe Wilson 


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  • Almahasees, Z, Mohsen, K and Amin, M O (2021) Faculty’s and students’ perceptions of online learning during COVID-19. Frontiers in Education. Available at:
  • Armellini, A; Teixeira Antunes, V and Howe, R (2021) Student perspectives on learning experiences in a higher education active blended learning context. TechTrends, 65, pp 433-443
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  • Gaglani, H; Joshi, C; Bante, V; Meshram, K and Muley, P (2021) Perception of HEIs’ teachers towards online teaching. Annals of R.S.C.B., 25(4), pp 7009-7019
  • Garrison, D R and Kanuka, H (2004) Blended learning: Uncovering its transformative potential in higher education. The Internet and Higher Education, 7, pp 95-105
  • Garrison, D R and Vaughan, N (2008) Blended Learning in Higher Education: Framework, Principles, and Guidelines. 1st ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass
  • Graham, C R (2006) Blended learning systems: Definition, current trends, and future directions. In: C J Bonk and C R Graham, eds The Handbook of Blended Learning: Global Perspectives, Local Designs. San Francisco: Pfeiffer, pp 3-21 Available at:
  • Grothaus, C (2023) Engagement in online learning among Thai and German students: The role of classmates, instructors, and technology across country contexts. Online Learning, 27(3), pp 188-208
  • Healey, M (2020) Active Learning and Learning Styles: A Selected Bibliography. Available at:
  • Houston, S; Milligan, C; Nimmo, A and Robertson, A (2022) Providing continuous learning and professional development through a toolkit design. In: D Forbes and R Walker, eds Developing Online Teaching in Higher Education: Professional and Practice-Based Learning, vol. 29. Springer, Berlin
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  • Jisc (2020) Developing Blended Learning Approaches. Available at:
  • Jisc (2020) Reimagining Blended Learning in Higher Education. Available at:
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  • Jisc Digital Insights Survey (2023) Available at:
  • Jones-Devitt, S and Austen, L (2024) A Guide to Basic Evaluation in Higher Education. QAA
  • Li, G; Luo, H; Lei, J; Xu, S and Chen, T (2022) Effects of first-time experiences and self-regulation on college students' online learning motivation: Based on a national survey during COVID-19. Education Sciences, 12(4), p 245
  • Mavroudi, A and Papanikolaou, K (2022) A case study on how distance education may inform post-pandemic university teaching. International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 23(4), pp 57-74
  • Means, B et al (2010) Evaluation of Evidence-Based Practices in Online Learning. Available at: 
  • Meijerman, I; Wijsman, L and Kirschner, F (2024) Adding a scholarly analysis of teaching and learning to SoTL: The development of the hands-on Utrecht Roadmap for SoTL. International Journal for Academic Development, pp 1-15
  • Monk, E F; Guidry, K R; Pusecker, K L and Ilvento, T W (2020) Blended learning in computing education: It’s here but does it work? Education and Information Technologies, 25(1), pp 83-104
  • Muscanell, N (2023) Faculty and technology report: A first look at teaching preferences since the pandemic. EDUCAUSE. Available at:
  • Newman, T and Gulliver, M (2023) International Students’ Digital Experience: A Review of Policy, Academic Literature, and Views from UK HE. Available at: 
  • Nortvig, A; Petersen, A K and Balle, S H (2018) A literature review of the factors influencing e-learning and blended learning in relation to learning outcome, student satisfaction and engagement. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 16(1), pp 46-55. Available at:
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  • Teixeira Antunes, V T; Armellini, A and Howe, R (2021) Beliefs and engagement in an institution-wide pedagogic shift, Teaching in Higher Education
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