We work in partnership with the Scottish Government, sector agencies and all higher education institutions in Scotland. This allows us to support and shape the continuing enhancement of learning and teaching in Scotland. We do this to ensure students in Scotland receive a quality education.
Our partners

The Scottish Government
The Scottish Government has devolved responsibility for education. We often meet Scottish Government officers to update each other on our work and share information. The Scottish Government continue to support the enhancement-led approach to quality assurance.

Scottish Funding Council
The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) distributes funding for teaching and learning, research and other activities in Scotland's colleges and universities. They also provide a strategic overview of tertiary education in Scotland. This helps secure a coherent system of high-quality learning, teaching and research. The SFC provides funding to QAA to help it achieve this.

Universities Scotland
Universities Scotland is the autonomous voice of the higher education sector in Scotland. It is a membership organisation, funded by the 19 Scottish higher education institutions. Universities Scotland campaign on issues where their members have a shared interest. They also develop policy on Scottish higher education issues.

National Union of Students Scotland (NUS)
NUS Scotland exists to represent the interests of students. They hold discussions with local and central government, educational bodies, trades unions and other external organisations. They provide information, advice and training for its affiliated students' associations, of which students from colleges and universities are automatic members.

Student Partnerships in Quality Scotland (sparqs)
Founded in 2003, sparqs is an agency that supports student engagement. They encourage students to get involved, to help shape the quality of their learning experience. Doing this can make a positive and rewarding difference to their own and others' educational experience. We have regular meetings with sparqs and contribute to their work and governance. The Scottish Funding Council provides funding to sparqs.

Advance HE
Advance HE supports universities in putting institutional strategy into practice for the benefit of staff and students. They use an evidence-based approach to identify what works, and develop practice-based solutions. They contribute to our work through many of the committees and working groups in the Scottish HE sector.
Committees and groups
We have regular meetings through committees and groups and oversee the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC) and the Teaching Quality Forum (TQF).
Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC)
SHEEC ensures that higher education is at the forefront of developing and enhancing the student learning experience in Scotland. Committee members are senior colleagues from across the sector who have institutional responsibility for learning and teaching. Every Scottish institution has a representative on the committee. There are also four student members and observers from our partner organisations.
The Quality Forum (TQF)
The Quality Forum (TQF) is a sector-led group with a flexible remit and membership. Its purpose is to provide support to members on policy and practice in areas of mutual interest broadly relating to quality in learning and teaching, allowing expertise to be shared and developed.