The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) is the UK’s independent expert quality body. We exist to ensure that students and learners experience the highest possible quality of education. We are one of the world’s expert bodies in relation to higher education quality assurance.
We work with governments, agencies and institutions globally to benefit UK higher education and its international reputation. We are trusted by higher education providers and regulatory bodies to maintain and enhance quality and standards.
QAA has a dedicated team delivering and managing the NMC quality assurance programme.

Independence and impartiality
Independence and impartiality are fundamental to the work of a quality body. QAA has over 25 years’ track record of best practice in this regard, and our model is widely regarded as an exemplar of good practice by quality bodies internationally. Further information about our independence and impartiality can be found on the QAA website.
We have a number of policies and procedures that govern our activities. We publish these as part of our commitment to working in an open and transparent way. The following policies directly relate to QAA’s work with the NMC:

A full list of QAA policies is published on the QAA website.
We work by the principle that in our work in Wales, we will treat the English and Welsh languages as equal and meet the Welsh Language (Wales) Measure 2011 as it applies to us.
Find out more
The QAA website provides further information about other areas of QAA’s work in the UK and internationally.
Contact us
If you have any questions about programme approval, you can contact QAA’s NMC team by email or telephone. Our office hours are Monday to Friday, 09.00-17.00hrs.